what is Tajweed

Virtue of the Quran

It is out of doubt that the Quran is the book that has gained the attention of humanity more than any other book on the surface of the earth. Scientists and scholars of the East and West have been studying and pondering it for the last fourteen centuries. In addition, millions of Muslim men and women have even remembered the entire Quran which is ideal for any other religious or non-religious scriptures. Millions of young and adult Muslims join Tajweeb classes either online or physically to learn the Quran with its recitation rules.

This book, according to Muslims, is the guide and advice for the humankind. This is the book via which humans can solve all their social, political, economic, and judicial issues. And by applying the orders of this book, human society can live a peaceful life forever. Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي says: “Indeed, this Quran guides toward that which is most straightforward and gives glad tidings to the believers who carry out good deeds that for them, there is a great reward.” (Surah Al-Israa’ 17:9). In another verse, Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي says: “And indeed, we have explained in this Quran everything in different ways for the benefit of people.” (Surah Al-Kahaf 18:54).

Furthermore, the Quran is a cure for all physical and spiritual diseases. Reading the Quran, listening to the Quran, translating it, teaching it to others, studying it, and even sitting in a Tajweed class or following an online Tajweed class can affect us in a great way. Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي says: “And we reveal from the Quran which is cure and mercy for the believers.” (Surah Israa’ 17:82). And of course, this is one of Allah’s سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي bounties of us that He has given us the Quran for guidance, and has made it easy for us to understand and learn. If this Book were revealed to the mountains of the world, they would have burst apart completely. But, this is Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي who facilitated it for us, as He says: “Indeed, we have made the Quran easy for getting advice. So, is there any who heed to advice?” (Surah Al-Qamar 54:40)

Therefore, learning the Quran is an obligatory mission for Muslim men and women. Every true believer must have a love for the Quran in his heart, and make attempts to place its learning as one of the important things in his life. He must take online Tajweed classes or go to a Madrasa or school to learn the Quran with Tajweed or understand its meaning and thoughts. Because, learning the Quran with Tajweed, or simply Tajweed is one of those knowledge that is obligated on Muslims and Islamic community.

What is Tajweeed?

Linguistically, the word Tajweed means fairness or betterment. And according to applied Quranic knowledge, Tajweed is the knowledge of reciting every letter from its articulation point, and giving every letter its right of characteristics [1]. So that after applying these rules, the recitation of the Quran will have its own beauty.

Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي orders us in His glorious book: “And recite the Quran with Tartil.” (Surah Al-Muzzammil 73:4). Defining this verse, Imam Raghib Al-Isfahani (May Allah have mercy on him) says that the word Tartil is derived from الرتل (Arratl) which means to arrange something with perfect order. When this word is used with text or content, then it means to pronounce a word with ease and persistence [2]. Imam Al-Qurtubi (May Allah have mercy on him) says that Tartil means putting one thing after another in a fair manner. So, it would mean not to recite the Quran hustling, but to recite it slowly and in a manner that shows the sound of every letter separately. And that’s exactly what Dahak (May Allah have mercy on him) has said. He says Tartil means reciting the Quran letter by letter [3].

Knowing the Virtue of Tajweed

Learning the knowledge of Tajweed is one of the most righteous deed. Because, it is related to the most exalted and glorious book, the Quran. Hazrat Uthman Ibn Affan (May Allah be pleased with him), recounts from the Prophet ﷺ that he said: “The more righteous among you is one who learns the Quran and teaches it to others.” (Mishkat-ul-Masabih #2119). In another hadith, reported by Abdullah Ibn Amr (May Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet of Allah ﷺ says: “(In Jannah) it will be said to the owner of Quran: recite (the Quran) and ascend, and recite with Tartil as you were reciting it in Dunya. Verily, your destination is up to the last verse you recite.” (Sunan Tirmidhi #2914). And it’s obvious that from learning the Quran, the Prophet ﷺ did not mean to recite the Quran shallowly. Rather, he meant to learn the Quran considering all its Tajweed rules and characteristics. Also, in one other hadith reported by the mother of believers, Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet ﷺ says: “One who recites the Quran, and he is skillful in it, will be with honorable obedient (angels in the heaven).” (Sunan Tirmidhi, #2904).

Please pay attention that in all these Ahadith of the Prophet ﷺ, we can know the importance and virtues of learning the Quran with Tajweed. Yet, applying all Tajweed rules while reciting the Quran is the key right of the Quran on us, and the reason for success in both worlds, as Imam Mujahid (May Allah have mercy on him) says that the most beloved to Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي is one who understands the Quran more than others [4].

Also, please keep in mind that while planning to learn Tajweed, one should make no excuses. We must make our timetable in a manner to make room for learning Tajweed. And of course, in these modern days, you cannot make any excuse for sure. Since, nowadays, besides physical classes, there are Tajweed classes online, too, that provide extraordinary services such as baynnat.

Ruling on Learning Tajweed

Initially, it is significant to understand that remembering a piece of the Quran so that one can recite it in Salah is Fard to every Muslim man and woman. However, learning the Quran with all Tajweed rules is Fard Kifaya according to the scholars, and once someone learns Tajweed, applying it in his recitation is Fard Ain [5].

Importance of Learning Tajweed

As mentioned above, the knowledge of Tajweed teaches us how to recite Arabic letters and words. It helps us read Arabic words perfectly, and yet, beautify the holy Quran. Therefore, a knowledge that helps us beautify the speeches of our lord, should always be of most significance in our life.

Means of Learning Tajweed or How to Learn Tajweed?

Now that we know what is Tajweed, as well as its importance, it’s significant to know how we can learn Tajweed. What are the best and easiest ways to get exceled in Tajweed? An easy choice is taking Tajweed classes either online or physically. However, there are some other methods, too. Following are some methods of learning Tajweed affectively and easily. After that we count all those beneficial ways, we can choose one that’s best fit to our mind.

Learn Tajweed from a Shiekh of Your Area

The most common and practical way of learning the Quran with Tajweed is to learn from a Sheikh of your location or Masjid. Since, this way, you can have your lessons face-to-face with your tutor which is the best way of learning anything. The tutor can provide questions, homework, listen to your recitation, and much more along with the explanation of the new lesson. But be aware to choose someone who is completely qualified, and has excelled in this field. Since, sometimes, the Sheikh or Imam of a Masjid offers the Salah to people, but he doesn’t know much about the Tajweed rules.

Learn from a Sheikh Online

If your schedule is busy, or if you can’t find a qualified Sheikh near your location, you can take online Tajweed classes. The benefit of choosing an online class for learning Tajweed is that you can manage your timetable and take the classes anytime you want. Also, some online websites offer lessons prepared by qualified and skilled Sheikhs with excellent teaching skills. Baynnat's website is one of those that provide Tajweed classes online. The interesting point in Baynnat is that all their tutors are qualified and certified by Al-Azhar University. And of course, there is no need to explain what Al-Azhar University is, and what prominence it has around the globe.

Try Audios and Videos

Besides online Tajweed classes, another way you can find on internet for learning Tajweed is to get audios and videos of the world’s famous Qaris and Sheikhs, and then listen to them. Try to read the same as they are reading the Quran. You can play and pause the video/audio several times to understand each word correctly. In addition, many video-based courses thoroughly teach Tajweed. So, you can keep in account that, too. However, this method can also be counted under the category of online Tajweed classes.

Learning Tajweed Rules by Yourself

There are plenty of small booklets and large books that can help you learn the rules of Tajweed by yourself. And if you take a little more time searching for the right one, you can find easy-to-understand, and thoroughly explained books with the best examples and sections for Ijra.

Get Colored Mus’haf

Reciting the Quran from a colored Mus’haf can be a way of both reciting the Quran and keeping your learning at the same time. This type of Mus’hafs normally uses different colors for each letter indicating the rules of Tajweed. For instance, a red-color letter would mean you should do Idgham here, which means you should conceal the sound of one letter in another one. This type of learning, however, is hard but can yield if you keep trying.

Slow down while Reciting

Although the holy Quran should always be recited slowly and letter by letter, slowing down the recitation of the Quran can help learn Tajweed rules as well.

We have to take it on as our duty to learn the Quran with all the Tajweed rules and regulations. Of course, how can we prove ourselves as true read more Muslims while we don’t know the book revealed on our Prophet ﷺ? If it’s difficult to know its meaning or its inside wisdom and rational facts, we have to recite it perfectly. And if we even can’t do that, then it should be a shame for us.

Chapters on the Science of Tajweed

While reciting the Quran, the initial acts to be carried out are of two types i.e. physical and spiritual. We can discuss both of them as follows:

Physical essentials at the beginning of reciting the Quran

• Making ablution is necessary and Wajib for touching the Quran. Therefore, one must take ablution before reciting the Quran.

• Facing to Qibla while reciting the Quran

• Sitting with honor and dignity while reciting the Quran

• We should not cut off the recitation without any urgent issue.

• Reciting اعوذ بالله من الشیطن الرجیم or seeking refuge from Satan by Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي.

• Sayingبسم الله الرحمن الرحیم (which means I start by the name of Allah who is All-Merciful and All-Compassionate) has many rewards at the beginning of any good deed. However, it should be paid more attention not to forget it at the beginning of starting Quran’s recitation.

• Stopping at verses of Rahmah or Mercy and asking Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي for forgiving, and at verses of Azab or punishment and asking for refuge from the fire.

Spiritual essentials at the beginning of reciting the Quran

• Have your heart completely present, and pay keen attention during the recitation of the Quran.

• Find a feeling in the heart that what you read is not a message or content of a human. Yet, it is a message from the lord of the universe.

• Locate in the mind that Allah سُبحنَه وَتَعَالي talks to you alone.

• Try to know the meaning, and ponder it during your reading.

Rules of Tajweed

Phases of reciting Auzubillah (seeking refuge) with Bismillah and a Surah

Seeking refuge along with Bismillah and Surah can be read in four ways as follows:

1. To recite in one breath all three of them, or in Arabic وصل کل (Wasl kul)

2. To recite each of them with separate breath, or in Arabic فصل کل (Fasl kul)

3. To join Auzubillah and Bismillah in one breath but recite Surah with another breath, or in Arabic وصل الاستعاذ مع البسملة (Wasl al-Istia’z ma’ al-Basmalah)

4. To recite Surah and Bismillah with one breath, and Auzubillah with separate one, or in Arabic وصل البسملة مع السورة (Wasl al-Basmalah ma’ Surah).


[1]Qawa’id Tajweed-el-Quran by Sheikh Aiman Ar-Rushdi

[2]Mufradat-ul-Quran by Imam Raghib Al-Isfahani, Surah Al-Muzzammil, #3

[3]Tafseer-ul-Qurtubi, Surah Al-Muzzammil, #4

[4]Tafseer-ul-Qurtubi, Surah Al-Muzzammi, #4

[5]Qawa’id Tajweed-el-Quran by Sheikh Aiman Ar-Rushdi

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